Bitcoin Blackjack Strategy

Best Bitcoin Blackjack Sites

The following guide is a basic strategy to follow when playing Bitcoin Blackjack sites.

Hard Hands

This is a hand without an Ace, or with an Ace which is only counted as one.

  • Always hit when your hand is a total of 8 or lower.
  • With a combined hand of 9, double if the dealer has a 3,4,5,6 and anything else hit.
  • With a combined hand of 10 or 11, double if the dealer has a card lower than your total hand value, anything else hit.
  • With a combined hand of 12-16, hit if the dealer shows a card that is a 7 or higher, otherwise stay.
  • With a combined hand of 17-21, stay.


Soft Hands

This is a hand with an Ace with a value of 1 or 11. So you cannot bust by hitting on a soft hand.

  • With a combined soft hand of 15 or less, always hit.
  • With a combined soft hand of 16-18, if the dealer is on 6 or less double down, otherwise hit.
  • With a combined soft hand of 19 plus, always stand.

Pair Hands

It is worth splitting in the following situations:

  • With 4,5,or a 10 never split.
  • With Aces or 8’s always split.
  • If you have any other pair, only split if the dealer has a 6 or less.

Additionally it is advised to never take insurance, hit if you are unable to double down, and always play the hand accordingly if you are unable to split.

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